Movement at the Stations
Interesting times ahead with a couple of larger scale properties being offered for sale around my old stomping ground in Western Queensland.
Nardoo Station, previously owned by Russell Pastoral Company, located between Wyandra and Cunnamulla is being marketed by Expressions of Interest. Since the current owners purchased the original Nardoo holding of 44,560 hectares they have acquired a further 9,469 hectares on the western side to take the total offering today to 54,029 hectares. Russell Pastoral Company ran it as a sheep breeding and wool growing enterprise for many years.
Also, the historic Gowrie Station, which originally ran down both sides of the Warrego River from Augathella to Wyandra, and comprised 1.9 million acres is being offered by Expressions of Interest.
Gowrie Station is now approximately 29,775 hectares and the homestead is 22 kilometres north of Charleville. The Mobbs Family have owned the property for the past 38 years.
During the heady years of the sheep and wool industry in the 1980’s there were regular combined agents sheep sales held at Gowrie Station with large yardings and buyers coming from everywhere to compete for the offering.