Southwest corner in focus
The south west corner has become the hotspot in the Queensland rural property market with properties receiving unprecedented numbers of inspections. Over the next month the real test will be if Gowrie Station and Nardoo Station meet with success. Smaller holdings have been snapped up in the market and quiet a lot of interest in the sub $3 million market. The Charleville properties recently sold in this sub $3 million market include Sandford Park, Yalara and Combanning.
The Wyandra district property “Yarmouth” is going to market with a carbon scheme in place. This will be of special interest to a lot of property owners as the jury is out as whether this type of scheme is an encumbrance.
Further north at Blackall there have been some great sales recorded with “Melrose” a test of the new levels, whilst at Isisford “Gundoo” will set the pace for that area in coming weeks.
Most of the property being offered has a window of opportunity with a moderate season giving purchasers a respite with maintaining their livestock numbers.