2 lots of 440 Woolgrower Wether Lambs, Cunnamulla, QLD

2 lots of 440 Woolgrower Wether Lambs, Cunnamulla, QLD

2 lots of 440 Woolgrower Wether Lambs

A/C Widgeegoara Past Co

Buyers an opportunity to buy 440 vendor bred excellent quality wether lambs. These lambs present in good strong store condition and are showing plenty of frame for there age being only 7-8 months old. A complete drop with 30% tail removed at assessment. Lambs were crutched and had a proguard backline on 13/04/20 and present ready to shear with avg 60mm in the jacket. The ‘widgeegoara’ wethers are known for the ability to cut heavy wool cuts and grow into big export wethers. Lambs are suitable to keep on as future woolcutters or put on crop for a spring lamb trade. *880 wether lambs in total being offered as 2 x 4 deck lots with delivery being a run out the gate* please note delivery 2 days only

Available on Auctions Plus Tuesdays National Lamb Sale –  Tuesday 7th July 

Contact Sam on 0428 020 289 for more information