102 Backgrounder Heifers, Quilpie
102 Backgrounder Heifers
3 decks of good crossbred heifers available and are best described as good frame. Heifers are in store condition and are ready to go on to crop to grow out as either a feeder or replacement breeder. All heifers are good flatback types to suit most markets and have all been checked by the vet and preg tested empty for buyers satisfaction. Heifers are all age branded number 9 and are 14-18months old. Mouthed 10 head at assessment all presenting with solid milk teeth. Cattle have had a big curfew and will have plenty of compensatory gain given the chance on good feed. Vendor also has 2 x lots of PTIC cattle in Eastern states sale.
Available on Auctions Plus Friday Weaner and Yearling Sale Friday 24th July
Contact Sam on 0428 020 289 for more information