51 PTIC Cows, Quilpie

51 PTIC Cows, Quilpie


2 decks of Brahman and Brahmans X PTIC predominately young cows being 2-9 years. These cows are best described as medium frame cows and based on CBV bloodlines for a number of years and only introducing Rangeland Brangus bulls in over the past 2 years. Cows are PTIC by a vet from 2-7months with majority being 3-6months in calf 19 x blue tags and 32 x red tags. There is one cow noticed with turned back horns slightly rubbing against the skin but not a concern. In this lot there are 5 x brindles. These cows present a opportunity to calve out and join to bull of choice. Vendor also has 1 x lot of PTIC heifers in same sale and 1 x lot of heifers in weaner sale.

Available on Auctions Plus Friday Eastern States Cattle Sale  Friday 24th July 

Contact Sam on 0428 020 289 for more information