45 Good Quality PTIC Composite x Cows
45 Good Quality PTIC Composite x Cows
A 2 deck line of good quality PTIC composite x cows with majority of the mob being under 7yr old. These cows are best described as large frame and in forward store to prime condition. Cows had 70% calves weaned off in June 2020 with the remaining 30% pulled off at assessment. At assessment 1 x cow was noticed with old blight scarring and 1 x cow noticed with some fly bites both not seen to be detrimental. These cows have plenty of weight for age and all PTIC to good quality commercial bulls that will produce excellent calves. Vendor also has 72 PTIC Brahman X cows in same sale.
Available on Auctions Plus Eastern States Cattle Sale 18th September 2020, 10am
Contact Sam on 0428 020 289 for more information