72 Station Mated Cows
72 Station Mated Cows
Buyers an opportunity to secure 3 decks of station mated cows in store condition. These cows are best described as medium frame. Cows are on the do and have been cycling for past 2 months. These cows are ideal to either fatten or preg test up in the new year and sell as PTIC articles. Cows are bred in the northern QLD and tend to bunch up in yards under pressure but flow through yards well. In this lot there are 3 x cows with capped hips and 3 x cows with half tails. ** Vendor also has a run of 67 PTIC cows in same sale**
Available on Auctions Plus Eastern States Cattle Sale 6th November 2020, 11am
Contact Sam on 0428 020 289 for more information