104 Station Mated Heifers, Quilpie
104 Station Mated Heifers
A very good line of Brahman heifers joined to Lawson & Sandon Glenoch Angus Bulls. These heifers were purchased ex ‘Neumayer Valley Station’ in June 2020 and have grown and filled out a lot in the past 8 months. Heifers are best described as medium to large frame and have good bone structure to continue and grow into good size cows. Mouthed 60 head at assessment with only 8 head breaking 2 Teeth the balance all milk teeth. A fantastic opportunity to buy a one brand line of station mated heifers that are all very tidy around the head. 208 head in the mob and are to be sold as two B-double lots of 104 head out the gate.
Available on Auctions Plus Eastern States Cattle Sale 29th January 2021, 10am
Contact Sam on 0428 020 289 for more information