21 Station Mated Cows, Cunnamulla
21 Station Mated Cows
Buyers 21 x 1 Santa X station mated cows joined to Meldon Park and Woonalle Simmental Bulls and a Valera Vale Droughtmaster Bull. These cows are best described as large frame cows and in store condition. Cows had 100% calves weaned off in early December with calves averaging 230kg. There is currently one heifer calf on the ground weighing 104kgs. Cows present an opportunity to fatten, Preg test up or calve out. At assessment 1 x cow was noticed to have a capped hip. Vendor also has 2 x other lots in sale to fill decks.
Available on Auctions Plus Eastern States Cattle Sale 5th February 2021, 10am
Contact Sam on 0428 020 289 for more information