35 Station Mated Cows, Cunnamulla
35 Station Mated Cows
An opportunity to purchase 2 decks of predominantly young soft Brahman cows with 82% PTIC to the Simmental and Droughtmaster bull. These cows are best described as medium to large frame cows and present in forward store to prime condition. Cows range from 3 to 12 years of age with 80% being 8yrs or younger. Ideal cows to calve out and split later on in the year or keep as replacement breeders. At assessment 1 x cow noticed with old fly bite scarring and 1 x cow with a slight broken toe both not seen to be detrimental.
Available on Auctions Plus Eastern States Cattle Sale 5th February 2021, 10am
Contact Sam on 0428 020 289 for more information