36 Station Mated Heifers, Cheepie
36 Station Mated Heifers, Cheepie
Restockers an opportunity to buy 2 decks of good quality Brahman & Brahman X heifers joined to VGQ CBV Brahman bulls. These heifers are all age branded ‘8’ and are best described as medium to large frame. Heifers are a pleasure to work through the yards and have been handled very well. At assessment 1 x heifer had dog bitten ear and 1 x heifer noticed with dog bite on rump (photo of heifer in round yard). **Please note there are 3 decks of steers in the Weaner & Yearling sale to help fill decks at the same property**
Available on Auctions Plus Eastern States Cattle Sale 19th February 2021, 10am
Contact Sam on 0428 020 289 for more information