65 Station Mated Heifers, Quilpie
65 Station Mated Heifers
A very good line of Brahman heifers joined to Lawson & Sandon Glenoch Angus Bulls. These heifers were purchased ex ‘Neumayer Valley Station’ in June 2020 and have grown and filled out a lot in the past 8 months. Heifers are best described as medium frame and have good bone structure to continue and grow in to good size cows. Mouthed 100% at assessment with 17 head 2T and the balance sound milk teeth. With recent storms heifers have been walking a lot in the paddock & look to have lost a little condition but will go ahead quickly on good feed. All heifers very tidy around the head. At assessment 1 x heifer with slight lump on neck but not seen as detrimental. Big compensatory weight gains to be had.
Available on Auctions Plus Eastern States Cattle Sale 19th February 2021, 10am
Contact Sam on 0428 020 289 for more information