116 Backgrounder Steers, Cheepie – SOLD for $850 / head
Just add grass and watch these grow!
116 Backgrounder Steers
**Buyers 2 decks of little light steers to put away on feed and grow out** Steers have been weaned for two weeks in yards and have had a lot of handling by vendor. Cattle present in store condition but have plenty of life and are going ahead well with good frame and bone structure. Weaners generally grown out to heavier weights but with poor seasonal conditions have been early weaned and offered for sale. A total of 116 head in lot with 113 steers and 3 entire males. Given the chance on feed these cattle wont disappoint.
Available on Auctions Plus Weaner and Yearling Sale 5th March 2021, 9am
Contact Sam on 0428 020 289 for more information