88 Backgrounder Steers, Quilpie
88 Backgrounder Steers
Buyers a opportunity to buy a line of steers with all the hard work done on them and have plenty of frame to fill. These steers are best described as large frame in store to forward store condition. Steers are out of a well known cow herd and are ready to go on to crop to finish off as heavy feeders or bullocks. At assessment mouthed all NB#9 branded cattle to find 3 x 2T with the balance 0T. 1 x steer noticed with slight twisted nose but not seen to be detrimental. **2 x lots of these steers being sold as a run out the gate 3 deck lot & 4 deck lot**
Available on Auctions Plus Weaner and Yearling Sale 23rd April 2021, 9am
Contact Sam on 0428 020 289 for more information