62 PTIC Cows, Quilpie
62 PTIC Cows
Buyers 62 PTIC Brahman & Composite X Cows that are best described as being medium frame and in forward store condition. Cows have been preg tested in calf by a Vet (vendor) from 2 to 5 months to Popplewell Composite bulls. This particular line of cattle are 61% first calf heifers with only 6 x head 8 years and older. Cows have been on a rising plane of nutrition and will continue to go forward. A line of cows that will be ideal to calve out and trade on or keep on as replacement breeders.
Available on Auctions Plus Eastern States Cattle Sale, 27th May 2022, 10 am
Contact Sam on 0428 020 289