160 Weaned Steers, Quilpie
160 Weaned Steers
Buyers an opportunity to buy 4 decks of VGQ PCAS eligible crossbred weaner steers. These weaners have all the right bloodlines and genetics and are best described as medium to large frame relative to age. Weaners have been weaned for over a week at delivery and are very well educated by vendor through yards. A very reputable line of cattle for sale that will be ideal to put away on grass and grow out to heavier weights. Steers that have a good performance record and will suit to grow out as feeders or grass fed bullocks. There is around 8 head that showed signs of old ring worm scarring.
Available on Auctions Plus Weaner & Yearling Sale, 26th August 2022, 9 am
Contact Sam on 0428 020 289